Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Psalms, Day 3 Readings

God's Vengeance and God's Special Household  

Today's first reading is a song about God's destruction of the enemies of God's people.  It can be uncomfortable to read, as people are singing about the pain and death of others.  In some ways, it is unique because it is completely focused on God fighting against those who stand in the way of the faithful.  However, this description of God is common throughout the psalms and shows up (sometimes seemingly out of nowhere), as God's people not only sang songs of praise to God and offered prayers for direction and protection -- they also cried out for vengeance against their enemies (who they truly believed were the enemies of God).

Read Psalm 58  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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The second reading is a song about living fully in God's favor.  It suggests that the goodness felt in worship in the Temple is what is felt throughout life for God's people.  So here, God's dwelling place is not only the Temple, but also in the midst of God's chosen people in the Promised Land.  And those who live closest to God are those who live similar to the Levites who serve in the Temple, not only the priests, but all of the Temple workers.  

Read Psalm 84  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
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Reading the Bible in Its Entirety

If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Psalms 61-90 today.