Thursday, March 5, 2015

Proverbs, Day 4 Readings

Punishments for Injustice and the Best of Life from Wise Living  

Today's first reading continues the brief wise sayings of King Solomon.  There are several in these verses about the dangers of people who who treat others badly by lying to them (in some form or other).  Those who spread injustice will be punished.

Read Proverbs 20:1-25  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
[links to Bible Gateway open in a new window]

The second reading is the concluding section from among the short wise sayings of King Solomon.  Most of these seem to highlight the stark difference between wise/good living and foolish/evil living.  Those who live with wisdom live "the good life" with wealth and comfort.  Those who live foolishly, trying to con and scam their way through life, will eventually meet unexpected disaster and lose everything.

Read Proverbs 24:1-22  (NIV)   (NRSV)   (CEB)
[links to Bible Gateway open in a new window]

Reading the Bible in Its Entirety

If you are planning to read the Bible in its entirety, you should read Proverbs 19-24 today.